M. leaning on chair, J. sitting on chair


A to B & M


With language (we can ask)


Pineapple bag, smiling


Line, lines, layering – A threat of transition


Hands touching


At once – headrush


A sleeping on my lap




The need to act


Newborn everyday



Peggy Franck continues to be fascinated with the simplicity and gesture of the brushstroke. Something that’s almost nothing, no representation, no metaphor, just paint shaped by the artist movement. She has reiterated this gesture over and over in her work, from big walls, to small paper sheets. In her new series on paper her signature brushstrokes have gone through a process of softening: they become more fluid, light, evanescent.


Franck’s wet on wet paintings respond to her own reflections upon the fragility of existence and the inevitable circle of life we are all subject to. There is an element of unpredictability in this technique – the paint continues to expand after the brush has lifted – the soft, skin-like texture of the pigmented paper becomes an organic membrane. This unpredictability has always been part of Franck’s practice, a fascination for the unexpected event, the found object or the light getting into the cassette of the sheet-film. The artist moves in a liminal space, balancing between what she can and cannot control, between the inner world and the life outside.

Hands touching
Gouache on paper
72.5 x 59 cm

Sea change
Gouache on paper
173.5 x 103.5 cm

J. sitting in chair
46 x 47 x 46

A to B & M
Gouache on paper
62.5 x 47.5 cm

M. leaning on chair
chair, turning opercula
46 x 47 x 46 cm

M. leaning on chair (detail)

Pineapple bag, smiling
Gouache on paper
125 x 107 cm

The need to act
Gouache on paper
65 x 54 cm

Newborn everyday
Gouache on paper
68 x 53 cm

A sleeping on my lap
Gouache on paper
65 x 50,5 cm

With language (we can ask)
Gouache on paper
125 x 107 cm

Line, lines layering – A threat of transition
Gouache on paper
75 x 60 cm

At once – headrush
Gouache on paper
103 x 84 cm

You begin
C-print (framed)
74.5 x 60.5 cm